Defensive Driving Blog

Stop Procrastinating and take Defensive Driving

Why do we wait ’till the last moment?

Are you a procrastinator, or maybe even a chronic procrastinator? At we see this on a regular basis. Many people tend to wait until the very last moment and rush to finish the defensive driving course early enough to get their certificate in the mail on time.  Sometimes this works; often it does not. Why do people tend to procrastinate? Let’s look at some common reasons as posted by Mike Reeves-McMillan in Living Skillfully: Change Your Life.

Defensive Driving

1) Fear is the most common factor in why we procrastinate. Fear of failing. The only way to overcome this is just to push through it and prove to yourself that you can succeed. Our defensive driving course is structured with small quizzes right after each chapter is completed, when the information is still fresh in your mind. No big final test to pass.

2) We also feel a task can be too daunting or too big for our skill level. The thought of taking a 6 hour defensive driving course may seem overwhelming but the key is to break it down into workable units, which is what we do with our chapters. Take on this task one chapter at a time and it will be done before you know it.

3) Rebellion and laziness work hand in hand to keep us from getting things done. If you have to take defensive driving you may resent it and rebel by putting it off. The thing to do here is figure out a reward you will give yourself when you are finished and just get on with it.

4) Lack of motivation can be a powerful reason to put off defensive driving. If you are not emotionally compelled to do something you have to reframe it – make the payoff more important to you. Getting your ticket dismissed on time can be that motivation.

5) Being tired and unable to focus is a big problem. Go somewhere where the distractions are at a minimum and concentrate at the task at hand. makes it easy to take the course anywhere.

6) Not knowing how to get started can delay a task. We make that easy with our course – you know exactly how to start, how long it will take and when you finish you will know when to expect your certificate.

7) Some people are just perfectionists and don’t want to start a task they feel they might not be good at. But you will never know until you start and after the course you will be a much more skilled defensive driver.

There is a little procrastination in all of us. At we realize that and have made a course that is convenient and informative and not too taxing. So stop putting it off and log in now!

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